essential workers

Lessons from the Pandemic on How to Protect and Support Essential Workers

Hosted by Farida Jhabvala Romero May 7, 2021 Low-wage frontline workers have kept Californians fed and vulnerable populations cared for since the start of the pandemic. And they’ve borne a high cost for their work. A recent study out of UC Merced finds a 30% increase in deaths for essential workers in 2020. We’ll hear […]

Lessons from the Pandemic on How to Protect and Support Essential Workers Read More »

Push to get essential workers hazard pay during coronavirus outbreak

By Viktoria Hallikaar April 21, 2020 As essential workers continue keeping our nation afloat a toll is being taken on them. Long hours, close contact with others, and a risk for catching the virus are all things they have to consider. Now, more people are pushing for increased pay. “They deserve a fair and equitable

Push to get essential workers hazard pay during coronavirus outbreak Read More »

Human rights advocates call for higher minimum wage for essential employees

By Dallas Parker April 14, 2020 While thousands of Alabamians have filed for unemployment benefits in the past few weeks, essential workers are still making their daily commutes. But is their risk worth the reward? One human rights advocacy group believes the state should be taking better care of its essential employees. The Center for

Human rights advocates call for higher minimum wage for essential employees Read More »

Why do so many ‘essential’ workers get paid so little. Here’s what economists have to say

By Washington Post’s Christopher Ingraham April 12, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has divided the American labor force into two classes: those who are essential to keeping society running, and everyone else. The essential workers harvest our food and stock our grocery shelves. They fulfill orders at warehouses and deliver goods all over the country. They

Why do so many ‘essential’ workers get paid so little. Here’s what economists have to say Read More »