Transform a Broken Welfare-to-Work System
Published by July 18, 2014
The current welfare to work programs do not provide real job training, but rather forces desperate parents into low-wage, menial labor positions. (Read more)
a. Campaign for a Community Jobs Program
We are working to get the City and County of San Francisco to pass model legislation that will transform welfare-to-work programs into genuine job training that provides a path to living wage jobs. (Read more)
b. Organizing a Union of Welfare-to-Work Program Participants
To pass this model legislation, we are organizing welfare-to-work program participants to have a voice in how the legislation is drafted and these programs are designed. This will be the foundation for organizing their own union to provide them with the political power to negotiate better working conditions and more opportunities for permanent jobs. (Read more)
c. Building a National Network of Welfare-to-Work Program Participants
We are sharing strategies on building a national movement to change welfare as we know it, from dead end programs to real job training and career opportunities.