News coverage featuring our members.

Alcalde de Berkeley se une a manifestación en apoyo de Dreamers

Publicado lunes 14 de octubre de 2019 Una coalición de organizaciones laborales y de derechos de los inmigrantes, unida por el alcalde de Berkeley Jesse Arreguin y miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad, planean reunirse el lunes por la noche en el Ayuntamiento de Berkeley para instar al Senado a aprobar un proyecto de ley

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May Day celebration march

The colorful signs and banners at Oakland’s May Day demonstration Tuesday seemed to champion an endless array of divergent causes, both local and national in scale. Better working conditions at the Telsa factory in Fremont. A living wage in San Francisco. The end of immigration policies that tear families apart. Read More

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Living Wage Coalition Co-Directors Speak on Radio About Effect on Wages of Free Trade and Immigration Policies

The San Francisco Living Wage Coalition participated in a delegation to the U.S./Mexico border to highlight the failures of the North America Free Trade Agreement in protecting the rights of workers to organize in Mexico, how the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership will further depress wages on both sides of the border, and how immigration policy is

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