News coverage featuring our members.
Lessons from the Pandemic on How to Protect and Support Essential Workers
Hosted by Farida Jhabvala Romero May 7, 2021 Low-wage frontline workers have kept Californians fed and vulnerable populations cared for since the start of the pandemic. And they’ve borne a high cost for their work. A recent study out of UC Merced finds a 30% increase in deaths for essential workers in 2020. We’ll hear
Exigen más recursos para trabajadores indocumentadas en San Francisco
By Telemundo Channel 48 July 2, 2020 Decenas de personas manifestaron para pedirle al gobernador Gavn Newsom y a la alcaldesa de la ciudad destine más ayuda financiera y programas locales. Read More
Immigrants Fight for Their Right to Permanent Residency
By Lorena Garibay On June 24, immigrants with temporary protected status (TPS) participated in a nationwide caravan that was organized by The National TPS Alliance. After the caravan the protesters presented themselves in front of the Phillip Burton Federal Building in San Francisco demanding permanent residency and that TPS not be terminated. Read more
Activistas pro inmigrantes realizaron caravana en San Francisco/Pro-Immigrant Activists Caravaned in San Francisco
Los manifestantes exigieron que se mantenga vigente el TPS y pidieron soluciones para que los beneficiarios del programa obtengan la residencia. The protesters demanded that the TPS be kept in force and asked for solutions for program beneficiaries to obtain permanent residency. Read more
Union workers protest ‘poverty’ wages at SFO airport, want better health care
Hundreds of catering workers staged a protest Tuesday at SFO International Airport. Union employees and supporters of UNITE HERE Local 2 timed their demonstration with the busy Thanksgiving travel season to demonstrate that the holiday is about family and said they were fighting for a living wage and affordable health care. The union said American
Immigration Activists Rally In San Francisco Against Border Camps, Family Separations
September 16, 2019 The day began with a crowd of about 1,000 people, including high school students marching from 24th Street to the steps of San Francisco City Hall, demanding the closure of detention caps along the US-Mexico border. “This is atrocious and horrible what they’re doing to separate families,” said marcher Carolina Dutton. On