National Living Wage

Naming employers who fail to pay minimum wage to be resumed under revamped rules

By Kelly Tolhurst February 11, 2020 Businesses that fail to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage will continue to be publicly named by the government, following a review of the scheme. Employers who fail to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage to be publicly named review of public naming […]

Naming employers who fail to pay minimum wage to be resumed under revamped rules Read More »

Minimum Wage & National Living Wage rise in April – how much more will you get per hour?

By Jess Sheldon Feb 5, 2020 The minimum hourly rate that a person can be paid depends on their age and whether or not they’re classed as an apprentice. Changes to the rates occur every April, and with this just a matter of weeks away, the government has confirmed the National Minimum Wage and National

Minimum Wage & National Living Wage rise in April – how much more will you get per hour? Read More »