higher minimum wage

Minimum-wage hike step in the right direction, but $15 would be better, say workers

Provincial government has promised a series of increases to bring the wage to $12.65 by October 2021 CBC News · Posted: Feb 24, 2020 The provincial government’s recent promise to give the wage a bump the minimum wage to $12.65 an hour over the next year and a half still won’t be enough, people who […]

Minimum-wage hike step in the right direction, but $15 would be better, say workers Read More »

Minimum wage increases fueling faster wage growth for those at the bottom

Andrew Van Dam and Rachel Siegel January 2, 2020 The United States’ lowest-paid workers are seeing their paychecks rise at the fastest pace in more than a decade. Slow wage growth has plagued the economy ever since jobs started coming back after the Great Recession. But that has been changing, with wages rising at all

Minimum wage increases fueling faster wage growth for those at the bottom Read More »

Vermont lawmakers return Tuesday promising quick action on key legislation

By Stewart Ledbetter Jan 6, 2020 Vermont lawmakers return to the Statehouse Tuesday for the second half of the biennium. In the opening days of 2020, the House and Senate will consider compromise legislation to raise the state minimum wage and establish mandatory paid family leave benefits for all workers. Democrats are considering a mandatory

Vermont lawmakers return Tuesday promising quick action on key legislation Read More »

Most employers will begin paying a higher minimum wage Jan. 1, 2020

November 26, 2019 Nearly all employers in California will begin paying their employees a higher minimum wage — either the new state or local minimum wage, whichever is higher — in the new year. Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the state minimum wage for employers with 25 or fewer employees will increase to $12 per hour

Most employers will begin paying a higher minimum wage Jan. 1, 2020 Read More »