Quickest way is going to Pages and finding an already posted Photo Page and making a copy.
Go to Pages (not Post), search for a Photos Page already made, such as “Farmworker March in San Francisco”. You’ll click on EA Duplicator to make the same Page with “copy” at the end of it. WordPress will reload Pages, and you’ll have to look for the new Page you just copied.
Click Edit, not Edit with Elementor. You can use Elementor instead but it might take awhile to load
Instructions without using Elementor:
Edit the Page copy and change:
The Title/Header to something relevant to new images,
The attachment_category=”Media Att. Category Slug” with ONLY the new Att. Category Slug made and attached to the new images uploaded from previous steps (read further down for short summary on how see Uploading photos, attaching Media Att. Category, Make new Media Att. Category. – articles in progress, read further down for short summary)
Press Publish, at the top right of screen
Or, make a new Page. Have a Header, and Shortcode section added.
Shortcode should be similar to:
With Attachment category filled with the Media Att. Category Slug of the relevant photos
Make new Media Att. Category
Go to Media, Att. Category, On left side Fill in:
Name, Slug, Short Description optional
Slug is usually the name all in lowercase lettering
Click Add New Att. Category
Add Photos
After downloading relevant photos to your computer
Go to Media, Add New, Before uploading photos Click Blue Button, Open Bulk Edit Area, on the Bottom Right of Screen
Select the Previously made Media Att. Category so all uploaded photos will have the category attached to them
Drag-and-Drop the photos, or Select Files and choose photos
Go to About Use, Media, Our Photos
Edit this page and add the link to the Photo page you just made via Elementor
as you type in a new Item the relevant link should load up, select it