Coronavirus response act takes effect April 2, expands FMLA and paid sick leave requirements | March 23, 2020

Pay for emergency paid sick leave

If an employee uses emergency paid sick leave to care for themselves for reasons 1, 2 or 3 listed above, employers must pay the employee their regular compensation up to a maximum of $511 per day or $5,110 in the aggregate.

If an employee uses EPSL to care for a family member or for reasons 4, 5 or 6 listed above, employers must pay the employee either two-thirds of their regular compensation or the minimum wage, whichever amount is greater, up to a maximum of $200 per day or $2,000 in the aggregate.

For full-time employees, an employee is entitled to 80 hours of sick leave.
For part-time employees, the number of hours that employee usually works, on average, over a two-week period. For example, if the office manager works 30 hours per week, they would be entitled to 60 hours of sick leave.
EPSL does not carry over into the following calendar year, and employers are not required to pay out unused leave upon an employee’s separation from employment.

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