City of Wichita raises minimum wage for new employees to $15, plans to also raise it for current employees

By Eli Higgins for Kake May 27, 2021
Like most industries, the City of Wichita has found itself in a very competitive labor market during the pandemic, making it hard to find help. But after pledging a big change to its minimum wage, city leaders are hoping to fix that.

“If you work for the city, and you show up every single day to help our city get better, then you deserve to not live in poverty,” said Mayor Brandon Whipple.

Higher minimum wage is something Whipple has long pushed for in his political career, and was again at the center of attention at the city’s budget meeting Tuesday.

“We definitely can afford this. Why not invest in the people who are investing so much in our city? Why not return that by also ensuring that they have enough money to buy necessities,” said Whipple.