Raising Wages

a. Campaign to Raise the State Minimum Wage

There is currently an effort by the “Yes on California Living Wage Act” campaign to raise the minimum wage in California to $18 dollars an hour. The California $18 Minimum Wage Initiative qualified for the November 5, 2024, ballot in California. This act will increase the minimum wage to $18 dollars an hour by 2026, from the current $16 per hour which has annual adjustments for inflation. (Read more)

     b. Campaign for Wage Increases for City-funded Nonprofit Workers, IHSS Home Care Workers and CalWORKs Parents in Community Service Jobs
In the City and County of San Francisco Memorandum of Understanding with SEIU Local 2015, the wages for IHSS home care workers are slated to increase to $21.50 per hour on July 1 and $22 per hour on January 1, 2025. In an agreement reached with the Mayor and SEIU Local 1021 last year, the minimum rate under the Minimum Compensation Ordinance is set to increase to $20.25 per hour on July 1. This was part of a campaign initiated by the San Francisco Living Wage Coalition in meetings with SEIU Local 2015 and 1021. The goal is to set a path to $25 per hour. (Read more)