For the November 4, 2014, election, the San Francisco Living Wage Coalition issued a living wage voter guide on supervisorial candidates. You can find it here.
The Coalition mailed a questionnaire to each candidate regarding their positions on issues that impact low-wage workers.
By the deadline, 11 of the 17 candidates responded to these questions. (Their responses are in an attached legal-sized spreadsheet).
The questionnaire tested the knowledge of candidates on San Francisco’s living wage laws and on job training programs for parents in the welfare-to-work transition.
The text of living wage laws (the Minimum Compensation Ordinance and the Health Care Accountability Ordinance) and other information is available at
The Coalition is circulating the voter guide to its membership and also distributing it to the press and to the public.
The San Francisco Living Wage Coalition is a grass-roots movement of low-wage workers and their allies fighting for economic justice. The San Francisco Living Wage Coalition is a nonpartisan organization that neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate for office.